Sleep Disorders

What is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a type of breathing disorder which is a serious, potentially life-threatening condition characterized by brief interruptions of breathing during sleep.  There are a number of factors which contribute to sleep apnea, one of which can be jaw and tongue positioning while sleeping.

Signs and symptoms

One of the most recognizable symptoms of sleep apnea is that you may notice your sleep is disrupted during the night. The other symptoms will probably be first noticed by your partner or family members. They might complain of your loud snoring. Or they could say you were gasping for air or choking during your sleep.

This interrupted sleep often leaves you feeling groggy during the day. Maybe you struggle to stay awake regardless of how many cups of coffee you drink. You might feel exceptionally irritable or even depressed.

Some other indications that you could be suffering from sleep apnea include one or more of the following:

• Excruciating and mysterious headaches when you awake

• Waking up with a dry mouth or sore throat

• Difficulty concentrating and/or remembering

• Frequent urge to urinate during the night

Please keep in mind that not all of these symptoms are specific to sleeping disorder. That is why it is so important to seek a professional diagnosis.  If you have any concern that you may be suffering from sleep apnea, contact our office for an initial consultation. Our dentists will help determine what treatment options you have. It may be as simple as an oral appliance.